Project led by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF):

Africa Minigrid Program

The AMP is a country-led technical assistance program for minigrids, active in an initial 21 African countries.

The program’s objective is to support access to clean energy by increasing the financial viability and promoting scaled-up commercial investment, in low-carbon mini-grids in Africa, with a focus on cost-reduction levers and innovative business models.

In this program, Green Growth Solutions:

  • Supported the access to climate finance for clean energy in Comoros (geothermal), Sao Tome e Principe (solar PV minigrid), and Sudan (solar).

  • Engaged as the technical advisors on specific outputs related to the efficient, effective and high-quality delivery of targeted project development and implementation services for the GEF and TRAC Africa portfolio for $36 million on mini-hydro or solar PV mini grids.

  • Acted as the focal point for the partnership with the African Development Bank

Countries targeted were: Congo, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome e Principe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Central Africa Republic, Madagascar, Comoros, Niger

To learn more about the project, please click this link.

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