Project developed by the African Development Bank:

Green Mobility Facility for Africa

The Green Mobility Facility for Africa (GMFA) is a USD 685 million facility with the overarching objective to unlock the market barriers to support the emergence of green mobility in urban areas of Africa by fostering low-emission efficient public transport.

In this programme, GGS provided its support by: 

  • Mobilizing funds with various international financial institutions such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA), and the Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF).

  • Liaise between the African Development Bank and the pipeline projects

  • Developed and strategized on the facility’s functions

More information of the facility:

The GMFA focuses on six countries: Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa based on the market potential for green mobility in the countries and project pipeline initiatives developed by the African Development Bank. 

By facilitating the emergence of a green mobility sector in Africa, the project will contribute to green and inclusive economic growth in the cities where electric vehicles projects will be deployed. It will support the development of enabling policies/regulatory frameworks and private stakeholders, including SMEs, developers, businesses, and sponsors, to develop bankable green mobility projects and scale up green investments in the transport sector.

If you wish to learn more about the Green Mobility Facility for Africa, please click this link.

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