Paolo Tibaldeschi


Paolo is an experienced professional serving as an environment, energy, and infrastructure advisor at GGS. With a career spanning 20 years, he has specialized in programme design and implementation, environmental and social risk appraisal, and solution identification, specifically within the energy, extractives, and infrastructure sectors. Paolo is particularly passionate about the work related to GGS, focusing on climate risk assessment, and climate adaptation. He strongly believes in finding the right balance between human development and environmental conservation to ensure a sustainable future.

From Cote d'Ivoire, Paolo has travelled extensively across Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and of course Africa.  Throughout his career, Paolo has worked with a range of organizations, from small to larger entities, engineering companies such as EGIS or Techniplan, international development organizations like the United Nations and European Union, and large NGOs such as WWF. His ability to identify effective solutions and strategies contributes significantly to sustainable development efforts within the energy, extractives, and infrastructure sectors. His extensive career and global exposure have provided him with a unique perspective and skill set that he applies to his role as advisor at GGS.


Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Environmental Science from Bradford University (UK), and Master of Science (MSc) degree in Environmental Monitoring, Modelling, and Management from Kings College London (UK).

Thematic specialisations: 

Paolo's expertise lies in environmental and social risk assessment and safeguards, programme design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), strategic planning, and policy development within the energy, extractives, and infrastructure sectors.

Regional specialisations:

Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.


Paolo is fluent in French, English, Italian, and Spanish.

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Ready to take the next step towards sustainable growth and accessing climate finance for your organization's projects? We are eager to understand your project and provide tailored solutions to meet your requirements!