Yuv Sungkur

Climate advocate

Passionate about climate change issues and fighting its impact on Small Islands Developing States, Yuv endorses various hats. He is currently part of the Youth Engagement Group of the Climate Overshoot Commission, a TheirWorld Global Youth Ambassador, a Global Shaper, part of the Youth Delegation to the African Climate Mobility Initiative, and co-founded an NGO called Food Water Hygiene Mauritius.

He represented Mauritius as a delegate in various summits such as COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheikh, the Transforming Education Summit in New York (and its pre-summit in Paris), the Unlock the Future event in New York, and the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY16), held in Glasgow. In August 2022, he became a TEDx Speaker, and delivered a speech called ‘Climate Youth Action - Same goal, different perspectives’.

He is committed to voicing the youth’s perspective on the international scene, and ensuring that people from Small Island Developing States have a say in every international decision-making process.


Yuv completed his bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Development at McGill University, before going on to a master’s degree in Political Science: Global Environmental Governance from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Yuv is currently embarking on another master’s at the London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) on Climate Change and Development.

Thematic specialisations: 

Research, Program Development, Business Development

Regional specialisations:

Yuv specialises in international climate negotiations, youth involvement, climate education, SIDS and Sub-saharan Africa


Yuv is trilingual: French, English and Mauritian Creole.

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